The Foundation
AI Lab
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QuantumLeaks Foundation

Towards the phenomenon of quantum entanglement


Entanglement Prize 2024

The inspiring Quantum Talents Symposium Munich 16-17 September 2024 was an outstanding stage for the finalists* to share their groundbreaking research in the field of quantum physics and science, enabled and hosted nicely by Munich Center for Quantum Science and Technology (MCQST), Munich Quantum Valley (MQV) and Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics (MPQ).

Congratulations once again Sara Murciano for receiving the Entanglement Prize 2024 of the QuantumLeaks Foundation. Being a postdoctoral researcher at the Walter Burke Institute for Theoretical Physics, California Institute of Technology (Caltech), Sara is awarded for her work on connecting fundamental quantum information concepts to quantum many-body physics and discovering quantum ice-cream.

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Left to right: Hannah Lange* (LMU), Luisa Eck* (Oxford), Johannes Zeiher (MPQ), Robert König (TUM), Deepankur Thureja* (Harvard), Jann Hinnerk Ungerer* (Harvard), Fabrizio Berritta* (Univ. Copenhagen), Nadine Leisgang* (Harvard), Matthias Bock* (Univ. Innsbruck), Elizaveta 'Liza' Andriyakhina* (FU Berlin), Nathanan 'Nat' Tantivasadakarn* (Caltech), Mariia Kuzina (MCQST/LMU), Michael Lebert (QuantumLeaks Foundation) and Sara Murciano* (Caltech).

[MPQ note]

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[MCQST note]

© MCQST / C. Hohmann

AI Lab

A sequence of artificial intelligence (AI) pitches in the virtual lab is shown to illustrate light/laser paths along the impossible. Such as light routes within a transparent Penrose triangle or Escher-like experimental arrangements to inspire novel routes for interpretations. Potential risks of AI can be offset by chances for the science community to proceed untangling knots.

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